How to Make Your First E-Commerce Sale

So you have gotten your web vendor to create a good-looking website for you. The next step is, how do you attract people to come to your website and purchase your products?

The guys at Shopify have created the infographic below showing some of the awesome techniques you can use to make your first e-commerce sale.


14 popular e-commerce sites in Singapore

Which are the top ecommerce sites in Singapore? Apparently, from an article by TechinAsia, there are the ones:


  1. Reebonz/Kwerkee
  2. Qoo10
  3. Redmart
  4. Luxola
  5. NoQ Store
  6. HipVan
  7. Bellabox
  8. VanityTrove
  10. Rakuten Singapore
  11. Wego
  12. Taobao Singapore
  13. Zalora
  14. Carousell

For more info, check out this article: